Bicycle Theft – How Secure Is Your Shed?
The statistics are alarming. As cycling, both for leisure and commuting, increased in popularity by over 50% in Ireland in 2020, thefts jumped by 40% nationally, rising to 46% in Dublin, and this particular crime was already a cause for concern. Moreover, most thefts are not even reported, so the likelihood, according to the Irish Times, is that the official figure of about five thousand a year is in reality closer to twenty thousand.
Unfortunately, this crime is not often seen as a priority by the Garda, unless several high value bicycles are stolen at the same time. It is up to the owners to take the necessary precautions to keep their property safe.
Strong bicycle locks are the best deterrent to opportunist theft when the bicycle is being used, but many are stolen from garages, sheds and even houses. A determined thief with a crowbar can lever a wooden shed door open very quickly indeed, even if the hinges and locks are in good condition.
Fortunately, C & S sheds are not all wooden; some are steel. Irish craftsmen build very attractive garden buildings from PVC coated steel panels, and skilled professionals erect them on galvanised steel frames. Clients choose where in the garden they should stand, but there is plenty of good advice available where security is concerned. The contents of a C & S shed will be safe from all but the most determined thief, but there is no point in tempting fate.
Site the bicycle shed in the back garden, where it is not visible from roads or paths, but where it can be seen from the house. If the thief doesn’t know you have a shed, the thief won’t try to break into it. Make sure your gates and fences are sturdy and secure, but, just in case, block the window to the shed when valuable property is being kept in it. A security light is often a good idea, and so is a dog! Locking the bicycles to a secure frame even when they are in a strong shed may reduce your insurance premiums.
A C & S Garden Shed is strong enough to deter all but the most determined professional thief, and yet it is a very attractive building, which will enhance the appearance of a garden. There is a wide range of finishes and styles to blend in with existing buildings, or to provide a pleasing contrast to them. The siting of doors and windows is a matter of choice for the client, and there are other options available. But there are aspects over which there is no choice.
A bicycle shed is strong. They are durable. They are maintenance-free.
And thieves hate them.